Twinix InfoMedia is an Online Publishing Company that helps enrich customers with rich and timely information and helps Businesses to reach their Targeted audience. Operates a growing network of websites in Banking, Information Directories, Education, travel, retail and technology verticals.
Operates 10+ rapidly growing network of websites in Banking, Information Directories, Education, travel, retail and technology verticals. Twinix InfoMedia properties attract over 4 Million Unique Visitors a month with over 80% of the traffic coming from non paid sources. Growth curve has been consistent from the inception with Unique Visitors and Repeat Visitors growing month on month with high user engagement. User Interaction on our properties have been excellent with close to 500+ interactions happening on a daily basis.
Company draws its revenue from advertisement solutions, consumer acquisitions, lead generation, E-commerce websites and by helping publishers to better monetize their traffic. We believe in the web as a catalyst to individuals and economy’s growth.
Our Vision and Mission is to provide expert and timely information, solutions, and resources on a wide range of subjects.
For a start we have 10+ websites catering to different Niches Globally. We plan to expand this to 25+ in the coming years with vision to establish ourselves as a leader in the Niche that we venture into
Our Network is visited by over 4M users every month which generates over 7 Million PV's every month.
Over 85% of our users on our Network come through Search Traffic which results in higher Conversion rates for our Advertisers.
At present we generate over 15 Million Ad Impressions every month. We offer Various types of advertisement solutions from IAB standard banners to contextual ads